Coagulation Disorders

Must know Coagulation Cascade!!!

**Vitamin K affects factors 2, 7, 9, 10**

PTT = the "T"s are IN a relationship (INtrinsic Pathway = Factors 8, 9, 11, 12 are effected)

Cristiano Ronaldo (#7) is EXtraordinary
(PT = EXtrinsic pathway is only factor 7)

Factor V Leiden

MC hypercoagulability inherited disorder

Protein C acts as a stop sign to break down Factor V

MUTATED Factor V with no red light (therefore will continue to contribute to clotting)

**DVT and PE’s in young patients**

Protein C Deficiency

Autosomal Dominant

Protein C acts as a stop sign to break down Factor V

NORMAL Factor V with no red light (therefore will continue to contribute to clotting)

**DVT and PE’s in young patients**

Hemophilia A

Factor 8 deficiency

Blood in the joints = **HEMARTHROSIS**

**PROLONGED PTT** (Other studies are normal)

Tx: Factor 8 , DDAVP


Hemophilia B


Factor 9 deficiency

Blood in the joints = **HEMARTHROSIS**

**PROLONGED PTT** (Other studies are normal)

Tx: Factor 9 (DDAVP not useful)


Von Willebrand Disease

*MC hereditary bleeding disorder*

vWF deficiency affecting platelet plug and Factor 8

Dx: **DECREASED RISTOCETIN ACTIVITY**, decreased vWF, decreased Factor 8

Tx: Depends on severity 

PANCE Prep Pearls has an incredible chart that is worth memorizing for all the differences in PT, PTT, Bleeding Time, and Platelet Count for each bleeding disorder

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP)

Low platelet count

(Look for the kid with the excessive gum bleeding or nose bleeds after a URI)

MC in kids are viral illness

Tx: Observation vs Steroids (in adults) vs IVIG vs Splenectomy

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)

Diarrhea —->  R. A. T. 

Gastroenteritis in kids leading to Renal Failure, Anemia, Thrombocytopenia

Tx: Fluids (ABX not indicated)

Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (TTP)

The following is a MNEMONIC strictly for memorization purposes and has no malice intent

Tx: Plasmaphoresis due to autoimmune reaction of disease **(Decreased ADAMTS13)**

PANCE Prep Pearls has an incredible chart that is worth memorizing for all the differences in ITP, TTP, HUS, and DIC.

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)

Over exaggeration of bodies clotting mechanism causing microthrombi then once all clotting resources are used up excessive bleeding occurs

(Look for the post C-section patient with extensive bleeding)


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