Adrenal Disorders

***In any endocrine disease it is CRUCIAL to understand the axis each hormone is associated with to better understand the test results and proper management***

Jorge Muniz, creator of Medcomic, is an artist and absolute genius. Using his representations of different pathologies definitely helped me better grasp subjects in PA school.

PANCE Prep Pearls has an incredible breakdown of the adrenal disorders with great pathophysiology, mnemonic aides, and charts to consider when interpreting lab values. 

Adrenal Insufficiency

Primary (Addisons Disease) vs Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency


Hypoglycemia, Hyponatremia, HYPERkalemia, hyperpigmentation (only in Addisons)

Understand screening and diagnosis for primary and secondary

Tx: Cortisol replacement with glucocorticoids.

Adrenal Crisis

Abrupt worsening of adrenal insuffciency

Patient is presenting with ‘shock’ features with hypotension and lab values featured above

Look for the patient who had major surgery and/or did not taper steroids who is hypotensive

Cushing syndrome

Cushing Syndrome does NOT equal Cushing Disease

Cushing Syndrome = excess cortisol

**Moon face, central obesity**

Hyperglycemia, Hypertensive, Hypokalemic

Cushing DISEASE think Cranium (get brain MRI to look for pituitary tumor)

For additional questions and explanations click below!

Disclaimer: There are tons of products and services on the web that relate to medicine. On this website, my focus is to only promote those products or services that I find true value in to make you a better medical professional. The PA School Prescription is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I have not been given any free products to advertise on the site and the products I am recommending are the only resources I see value in. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me!

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