Pituitary Disorders

Jorge Muniz, creator of Medcomic, is an artist and absolute genius. Using his representations of different pathologies definitely helped me better grasp subjects in PA school.

Somatotropinoma (Agromegaly / Gigantism)

Gigantism = in children   // Agromegaly = in adults

Somatotropinoma = growth hormone secreting adenoma

***Screening Test = Increased Insulin like Growth Factor***

Tx: Surgery + Dopamine agonist to decrease growth hormone

(Medcomic photo with Agromegaly vs Gigantism)

Diabetes Insipidus

Central (Cranium) vs Nephrogenic

Look for the patient who just started ***LITHIUM*** and now how polydipsia and polyuria

Diagnosis initially made by water restriction. 

Desmopressin test helps determine if central vs nephrogenic

Pituitary Adenomas

MC Prolactinoma

Look for the patient who started to have headaches with loss of vision to his lateral fields

[Pituitary adenoma is pushing on optic chiasm causing **BITEMPORAL HEMIANOPSIA**]

MRI test of choice

Tx: Depends on what type of adenoma it is 

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Disclaimer: There are tons of products and services on the web that relate to medicine. On this website, my focus is to only promote those products or services that I find true value in to make you a better medical professional. The PA School Prescription is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. I have not been given any free products to advertise on the site and the products I am recommending are the only resources I see value in. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me!

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